Three Steps Towards Business Agility

3 min readApr 5, 2022


Before Covid-19 swept the globe, business transformation seemed like a challenging enough mountain to climb. Workers came into the office, we were able to attend engagement events in person and have 1:1 discussions with line managers and colleagues around what we being asked of them in order to delivery business transformation.

Over two years into the pandemic, while some workers are beginning to return to the office, others are continuing to work remotely. The hybrid workforce is gaining momentum and with it, challenges and opportunities are causing business leaders to rethink delivering business transformation, including how they can keep remote employees engaged.

When the situation shifts, it pays to be agile.

As Agile practices spread across the globe, and Agile buzzwords (“scrum,” “lean development,” “sprints” and “daily standups”) cascade from the mouths of the newly evangelized, the promised benefits of Agile — in the form of agility — remain beyond the reach of many organizations.

Nearly half of Agile transformation efforts end in failure.

  • Lack of awareness and motivation
  • Slow adoption and exploitation of new technologies
  • A “what’s in it for me?” mindset
  • An inability to sustain momentum beyond the pilot phase

Below are 3 steps that you can take to help bridge the gap from Agile buzz to successful implementation and the required mindset shift to scale.

Getting the basics in-place:

What is it? So often we fail at this first hurdle. Successful transformation teams will double-down on helping the business understand what business agility is and isn’t and have an open and frank conversation about there fears and anxiety around the future. We all know that there is no such thing as a stupid question — but it’s better to get these questions out early and align teams before you cross the start line.

Provide a safe environment to explore:

Explaining to someone how it feels to ride a bike is one thing but experiencing it yourself is another. We need to take this concept into our transformation activities and give teams the opportunity to explore what is being asked of them, the context in which they operate and importantly linking agile transformation to business value pillars.

Practice makes perfect:

When it comes to business agility we are asking teams and leaders to work differently — align activity to value nodes, reallocate financial resources to this value, shift human capital and talent to where it can deliver value. For many, these are new concepts and successful transformation leaders will give teams the opportunity to practice these new concepts and ways of working.

Principals to experience design:

In addition, when designing your own experience for teams to achieve the points we make above consider these 5 principals that we cover in this video to replicate the business world of 2021;

  1. Lots of data
  2. Multiple team dynamics
  3. Interacting with technology
  4. Managing complexity
  5. Widely applicable

Download the white paper now

In summary, speed to results, moving down the transformation path, exploiting success across the business and linking to valueare huge opportunities for Transformation leaders, ignoring them has proven to lead to disappointing business results.

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